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Baby beardies

22 13:56:24

Hey i have 3 bearded dragons, 2 females and one male. One of the females is 3 weeks older and quite a bit larger than the other two, and eats like a ravenous beast. The smaller male and female eat some, but they are almost half the size (width not length, from head to tail the bigger female is about an inch longer) but yeah the two smaller ones dont eat much and dont seem to be growing very much, where as the bigger female eats a ton of crickets (probably 20+ a day) where as the smaller ones eat very few, like around 0-5 a day. They dont seem to be growing and im getting worried. Thanks

 The larger on is intimidating the other two, keeping them from a fair share of food and best basking spot.  If your tank is very large and long, try dividing the tank between the large one and the smaller ones.  Make sure both get a proper basking light and a good UVB source.  If the tank is small, like a 20 gallon, Get another set up.  Eventually you will need to separate everyone.  Dragons are territorial and each needs his own space.