Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Update on The Dude

Update on The Dude

22 13:27:40

QUESTION: I just wanted to let you know how he's doin. This week he finally seems to be eating on a regular schedule. Eating 12 superworms in total this week which is awsome for him lately. Wednesday I dusted them with Fluker's Calcium w/vitamin D3 (Phosphorus Free). He ate 5/6 worms and he FINALLY ate some greens! Today I dusted 6 superworms w/the vitamin dust. First I gave him the greens (taken from a mixed salad minus lettuce n spinach) which he ate right out of my hand (discovered this way that he does not like red kale). After he ate his greens I gave him the worms and he ate all 6. He seems quite content with himself basking w/eyes closed n nose in the air. I found the ZooMed bulb on and it happened to be on sale, it should be here on Tuesday. Funny how here in Cleveland we are having our coldest day of the season and he's at his best, been alert, walkin around n eating well. Thanks for all of your help. Now if only I could get him to start liking crickets again. Is it odd that he only has superworms for his protein?


ANSWER: Hello Kelly,

That is great news to hear he is eating on a more regular schedule finally!  Wow, he actually ate some greens also?  You know, I think in time, he will want the variety along with superworms, the crickets might be something he will like soon also.  No, it really isn't odd that the superworms are all he wants.  They do sometimes go through phases in which they will only eat a few things & then they will change.  
That sounds excellent he is basking so happily too!  That is good news you got a Reptisun 10 tube bulb on the way to you.  He should enjoy that light.  
Well, the days are starting to lengthen out, even if it is wintertime.  They are starting to become more active now.

Thanks for the update on your boy!  :-))


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey Tracie,

So The Dude has been on another approx. week hunger strike. This week he has eaten a few bites of greens and 2 superworms, but this is the first week he's eaten anything in almost a month. While this hasn't been completely unusual this winter as you know it still worries me. What worries me more is that the last 2 times he's pooped this week, instead of some of it being white it was pink. I'm worried it might be blood. My vet will be open on Sunday and rumor has it the one vet will see reptiles.  I just wanted to make sure that I'm not overreacting first.

Thanks so much,

ANSWER: Hello Kelly,

Oh no, Dude is on another hunger strike?  
Pink urates, that could be supplementation.  How often do you give supplementation, such as calcium or vitamins?  
Hopefully it is not blood.  Sometimes with hookworms or parasites, that can cause blood in the stool.  
So you found a reptile vet nearby?  I hope he is a good one.  There are so few who see reptiles these days.

Let me know how he is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He only gets his supplements when he decides to eat. Which was 2 worms last week which waas the first in 3wks.  He has eaten a few bites here and there of kale. When I say bites I mean actual bites, 1 bite one day, 2 bites another day, 1 bite a day or two after that. I offer food everyday.

Hello Kelly,

Geez, he is not eating much is he?!
I would try to get a fecal done on him if you can, to see if he has worms or parasites.  He should have a lot more appetite than he does.  
When are you taking him to the vet?
He definitely is not getting enough calcium if he only gets it when he eats.  
How do his urates look today?
