Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > 6 lined race runner

6 lined race runner

22 11:49:31

how do I know if my racerunner is brumating or not and what do I feed it? I need as much information as possible. Its my first time catching one and taking care of it.

Hello Ariel,

How large is your racerunner?
Are you using a UVB light for it & if so what type & brand is it?
If you have some pictures, please send those too so I can see the size of it also.
They can brumate but not for long periods of time.  They would slow down when the weather cools down but if you are keeping him inside then he should not slow down much.
They love crickets, mealworms & other types of appropriately sized worms, etc.
What is the basking temperature you are keeping him at?  

Let me know how he is doing.
