Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bearded dragon appears to have a prolapsed rectum

bearded dragon appears to have a prolapsed rectum

22 11:49:45

we have a 8 month old (male?) bearded dragon that seems to have a prolapse rectum or bowel hanging from its vent. What do we do?

Hello Jeff,

I am sorry about that!
What you can immediately do if you can't get him to a vet at the moment, is to try & soak him in a cool sugar water bath to try & reduce the swelling.  
Keep the area clean & use some vaseline or ky jelly on the area to avoid it drying out, or getting infected & dirty in his tank.
Could you review the tank set up with me also, to make sure his set up is good.

Let me know how he is doing.
