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feeding my juvenile bearded dragon

22 14:47:58

Hi Tara. I recently bought a juvenile bearded dragon. what should i feed him? How do I know how much to feed him?

Hi congrats on the new bearded dragon, I reccomend feeding crickets no large then the width of his head wider then that and you can cause impactions in his sotmach causing back leg pralizise. Feed him as many as he wants per day. Also offer fresh vegetables daily : heres a link with info on what to feed:

you can also feed wax worms/super worms and silk worms there are butter worms also wax and butter worms are fatty and shouldnt be given too often...crickets make a good staple diet, Never feed meal worms they have very hard shells and can easily cause impactions....superworms have less hard shells but are much larger unless you buy baby ones these can be given daily along with crickets but should Not make up the bulk of the diet.