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traveling with beardie

22 14:03:51

Hello.  I am currently fostering an adult male Beardie.  I will be taking him to his prospective new home in a few days and the trip is about 3.5 to 4 hours.  I have a pick-up with an extended cab, and this is where he will be during the trip.  I have seen some concerns about leaving dragons in a glass aquarium during travel; is this a bad idea? If so, what should I do?  Also, I will be driving at night, so having a heat lamp on is pretty much out of the question; how can I keep him warm?

I travel with beardies in a regular pet carrier,  the soft bag type.  Beardies do very well on a soft blanket in these things.  There is even one made for the car by Rubbermaid that will cost you about $20 at Odd Lots.  As long as you are comfy in the cab, so will he, and being in totally dark means he will sleep the entire ride.