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Gravid or fat?

22 14:33:44


Gravid or just fat?
Hi again..i forgot to mention in my last question the kind of bedding i was using. The pet store i went to told me to use Silica sand ( sand blasting sand) but was later told that it contained glass. I still have it in the cage but i am going to go to the beach and get some sand and clean it and put that in. do you have any recommendations for bedding? Could this be another reason she is so fat? I believe i am using the right UV bulb and the temp is fine in the tank. Its a big tank..3ft by 2 ft and 2 ft deep.Like ii said..the male is a lot bigger then she is and are housed together. It is only recently that she is getting really big. She is almost 6 years old and has never laid eggs before.I have sent a pic but she is a little bit bigger then it shows.If you can tell..can you tell me what to do if she is gravid?Please help.

Hello Erika, Any kind of sand is dangerous to her health. Sand is the leading cause of impaction. It gets accidently ingested and hardens in the intestines causing blockage. It can be fatal if not caught early enough. I suggest using a non particulate substrate such as paper towels, newspaper, tile, or linoleum flooring. If you must use sand buy it from a pet store, the ones that say "digestible" can still cause problems but it is less likely because of how course it is.
If she keeps getting larger or you do start feeling eggs here is a link that should help it specializes in breeding Uromastyx and they have a care sheet that includes breeding information. I hope that helps, let me know