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Lizard in Okinawa

22 14:53:11

Hi, my son caught a lizard in Okinawa.  I cannot identify it.  It is green, about 20cm long with tail, about 10 cm long without.  It is very active, it's hind legs are longer than its front, each foot has 5 claw-ed toes.  The tail is green and black banded, and it's head and body turn dark when it is stressed.  I cannot do so from here, I will follow-up later by sending some digital photos from the base library (my internet is very slow)


Hi Greg,
What you are describing sounds like a Okinawa Tree Lizard.  has pictures of them.  It also lists other species found there.
You can email pics to me at if you would like as that pictures cannot be posted on here.  Both the size and color description that you gave fits this species.  Hope this helps you out!!
I do want to add that there is really no information that I have seen pertaining to keeping this lizard in captivity.  All species have percise care requirements to survive in captivity so this is something you might want to consider if your some is planning on trying to keep the lizard. Some such requirements would be special uvb producing lights, basking temperatures, diets, etc.