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Day-time and night-time lights

22 14:18:51

I like the brightness of the day-time light at night, because it helps me sleep. Would it be alright if I used the night-time light (black light) during the day.. and the day-time light at night? This would also be helpful because I usually feed him during the day, and the day-time light kills the crickets.

Hi Sarah
I do not use a black light on any of my reptiles

I use red bulbs for night viewing and extra tank heat

If this is what you want to do-get rid of the black light bulb and get a red one and you can leave it on at night and use the white basking and UV lights(if this is a diurnal basking lizard) during the day as usual

If it is a nocturnal lizard-just the red light at night with an under the tank heat pad will be fine

Can you keep the cricket container in a closet so that they are not in the light?

If your lizard(you did not say what type that you have) is not eating all of the crickets in a few hours then you need to remove them from the tank so that they do not annoy and stress your lizard

Toss the uneaten ones out as they can become contaminated from running through any feces in the tank

I hope that this helps

Sandy aka LadyGecko