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Excavator Clay Burrowing Substrate for bearded dragons

22 14:46:38

Hello Pam, I have a bearded dragon named Balboa who is 7 month's old and I always had him in calci-sand ever since he was 5 months. Lately I have found out that calci-sand is bad for a bearded dragon and causes impactions, so I took it out and used paper towel. As of now he is very depressed ever since I took it. I was wondering if I could use Excavator clay burrowing substrate for him since he loves to dig. I would like to know if this will or won't cause impactions. I saw it on-line and it looks safe to me. It doesn't have any added chemicals and the sand will stick together so he can build tunnels. What do you think? Could it be safe to use? Thank you.

If Balboa is over 12" long, there should be no problem with a nice sandbox of children's playsand which you can buy far cheaper and would present little problem.  At this age, the sandbox would be cleaner, and it would be kept from where his food would be placed.  
I haven't heard much on Excavator clay so can not offer a good assessment on how it would work.  However, I will be looking into it.