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Crested Gecko Eggs

22 13:35:44

Hi, my crested gecko laid 2 eggs last week, not her first, but they had scratched in them from her, the eggs appear to be fine but will this hurt the eggs through development? Thanks!

Hi Daysah

If the scratches are just in the white, leathery shell then I would not anticipate a problem. If they have penetrated deeper into the next membrane level then that does make the eggs more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections. Healthy eggs are not completely  defenseless and do have a certain level of immune response to fight off these infections. Use fresh, clean vermiculite (or whatever incubation substrate you are using) and change it if you notice any mold developing. The scratched eggs may also be a bit more prone to moisture loss as well so keep a closer eye on the humidity level in the incubation chamber.