Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Blue tongued lizard - swollen leg

Blue tongued lizard - swollen leg

22 11:43:11

Hello, I've started looking after a friends blue tongued lizard.
Prior to being with me he spent very little time outdoors.
Sine he's been with me, I put him out in a pen in the garden for a couple of hours. He was doing really well, she'd all his skin and was eating well.
The other day I noticed him not using one of his front legs, on closer inspection i noticed it was very swollen. It has not improved.
It also looked like a bit of skin was constricting it. We removed it with no improvement.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I don't want him to be in pain.
Thanks Alana

Hello Alana,

Oh, poor thing!  Do you have any pictures of him & the swelling?  
I am glad that he shed all of his skin, too.  The swelling is from the constriction or retained shed on his leg?   
How long has it been?  
Do you think he could have hurt himself out in the garden by any chance?  Is the leg discolored at all, like in color?  

You can try soaking him in a warm bath, daily, to help with swelling.  You could also get some chamomile tea bags & moisten the tea bags to put on the swollen leg.  It has healing properties & can help with swelling.

Does he still have an appetite?

Let me know how he is doing.
