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possible chinese water dragon shedding problem

22 11:54:25

Hi, I just got my CWD last week and he was brown (assumably from stress) and he is still a little brown but there is some strange coloring to him. His tail and part of his legs are green but then his body is grayish with weird little whitish grey "areas' they are very grey and look very dry and dead. It has been like that since a day after i got him. It is making me nervous. I'm sorry, its really hard to explain. Also, i don't know why but whenever i put him near water he freaks out and runs away from it, or he doesn't let go of my arm.

How old or big is your little guy? It sounds like he may be having a bad shed. If so you need to let him soak in warm water (not too hot just warm enough it's comfortable to leave your hand in it) make sure the water comes no higher than the top of his chest and provide him with a branch or rock on which to climb partially out of the water if he needs. After he has soaked for about an hour take a soft toothbrush and rub those areas gently. It may take a couple of times of doing this process to completely rid him of his stuck shed. I recommend every other day until it is gone. If it is not stuck shed it may be bite makes from crickets as pet stores are notorious for leaving way to many in the cages. It this is the case watch carefully for any signs of swelling or irritation and give him a good soak in a Betadine tea (Walmart carries Betadine in the first aid section)  poor the warm water and add Betadine slowly (mix it in with your hand) until the water is a nice bright orange brown but still clear enough you can see through it. Soak him in it for at least 30 minutes. Repeat the process occasionally until the wounds have healed. As to the fear of water it may actually have more to do with the fact you are trying to get him to get DOWN into the water. Water dragons feel safer up high if you place the container of water at chest height or above he may come off of your hand more easily. If not try placing him on a branch and placing that branch in the water.
I hope this will help you and if you can get me a picture I may be able to be a bit more exact.
If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.