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Leopard Gecko Shed On Eyes

22 14:46:30

QUESTION: My Leopard Gecko is 1.5 yrs old.  He has accummulated shed on his face.  I did not know to mist him and it built up over several sheds.  I started misting about 3 sheds ago and can keep up with all the new shed, but some hard buildup will not leave his eyes.  I mist 2x/day.  I can see his eyes now - the cover has lessened a great deal.  He now has new shed over the old and I am misting to remove that.

ANSWER: This is something I've heard and read about but never experienced myself.  

Leos need a moist hide on the warm side of their tank.  You can achieve this by putting moss or shredded paper towel in one of their hides.  This will help with future sheds.

You can try soaking him in warm water, several days in a row to help loosen the shed.  Make sure he can keep his head above the water.   After you soak him for a few minutes and you see the shed begin to soften up, pat the skin dry.  Use a piece of scotch tape or tweezers to remove the skin.  You may have to do this several time

If that doesn't work, you may need to go ahead and take him to this vet.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Soaking him will not help because all of the shed is on his face - eyes and nose area.  The rest of his body always gets clean.  He makes no effort to get this off his face.  After I mist him the shed is very soft and I remove any I can.  It is "stuck" very hard to his eye area.  He has moss and a bark covered hiding place and never attempts to rub the shed off.

Leos (as will all reptiles)take a preference on hides when they are not identical.  They will feel more comfortable in one than they do in another.  

The only way to remove the skin on his face is to somehow soften it up.  You can prepare a shallow bath for him and then for 15-20 minutes, continue to dribble water on his face.  That way his head does not have to be submerged.  If that does not succeed in softening up the skin, try taking a moist, warm cloth and holding it on his face.  He's certainly not going to like it but it will help soften up the shed.  You may have to do this several times to remove each layer.