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my leos

22 11:47:30

hi mrs tracie i have two leos that have been together since i bought them in in march. i am unsure of the sex because they are still to tiny to tell. but i have noticed one is getting bigger then the other and appears to be not being very nice not bitting or attacking but waving his tail and standing up tall. so i seperatedd them to day and it appears as if he is looking for the other gecko when the other gecko seems perfectly happy. should i put them back together till they are old enough to sex or seperate them for safety precautions thanks so much.

Hello Rachil,

It sounds like you either ha d two males or a male & female.  Until you figure out the sex of them, I would keep them separated for now.  
This way, there wont be any injuries from domination, etc right now.
Are they both eating regularly?
The smaller one needs to catch up on growth, otherwise, he/she will become ill.
The other one will get used to being housed alone right now.  

Do you have pictures of them also?
