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Chinese water dragons&Basilisks

22 15:10:40


Can Chinese water dragons and Basilisks live together? I dont know what speices of basilisk I saw in the pet store bu they are green and the water dragons are called chinese water dragons. Do the basilisks get the same sze as the water dragons? do they have an even temper?

Thankx for any advice in advance,

yes, in principle this is possible. But you'll need a huge terrarium so that the two species don't come across each other all the time. I don't recommend it if you have no experience with either species.

There are several species of Basilisks (and they all are more or less green), but Basiliscus plumiifrons is the most common one.

Chinese Water Dragons (Physignathus cocincinus) are more often sold than the Australian Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueurii). Ask at the pet shop for their species name. If they can't tell you, don't buy the animals. As a rule, it's better to buy animals from breeders. They are cheaper, healthier, you get to know someone who is experienced with their care and you won't damage the wild population.

Basilisks probably won't get tame and are more for watching. If you spent a lot of time with them, you should be able to handle them but they will never enjoy being petted.
I hope I was of some help