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Little Leo Gecko SICKKK

22 11:50:52

Leo Gecko
Leo Gecko  

I just recently bought a baby leopard gecko from the pet store last Tuesday. For a little info on his cage and setup: He is in a 10gal tank with an under tank heater and dome lights (red and white). The temp is usually 90 on the hot side and 75 on the cool side.He has two hides one on each side. A bowl of mealworms always inside the cage and a bowl with calcium and water. My leopard gecko is really thin and hasn't eaten a thing since I have had him. I will add a picture of him so you can see. Also I have notice some green poop im guessing under his tail, it is also red and looks irritated. I really don't want to just take him back for a different one at the pet store.

I have added two pictures. One taken a few days ago and one taken 5min ago. the one just recently shows under his tail. He was laying in that position when I looked at him on his own.


Hello Ash,

I am sorry that he is not doing well.  
I couldn't tell, but what is his substrate, carpet?
Your set up is fine, actually.  Let me know what his substrate is.
I would get a fecal done on him.  It is a very common occurrence in leopard geckos as well as other reptiles that are purchased from the pet store to have worms & or parasites.  The green stool is an indication of worms or parasites & is not normal.  He has not prolapsed (organ coming out of hind end), has he?  

If you don't have the money for a fecal, you could look into trying to deworm him to help.  Since he is not eating right now, you will need to try & assist feed him.  You can use either
chicken or turkey baby food, along with a pinch of powdered calcium mixed in, daily.  Uses a plastic dropper or syringe & try dripping it on the end of his nose.  If he will not lick the food off, you can use a swab to try & get his mouth open to quickly & gently squirt the food into his mouth.  Give up to 1-1.5mls per day for him right now.

Let me know how he is doing.
