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Blind Gecko

22 14:24:53

Hi Tracie,
I took my gecko to the vet today and it turns out that he has scratched both of his cornea's. He is unable to see and the vet said he is probably in a lot of pain. She prescribed Gentocin Opthalmic and flurbiprofen. I have been hand feeding him and I hope to nurse him back to restoring his sight. Time will tell. Thanks for support.

Hello Jeri,

Oh NO!  How did he scratch his corneas??  Is there anything sharp in his tank that could have caused that?  
Those eye drops/ointment are very good & should help alot.  Poor thing, I hope that he gets better.  You are right, you wont know how long it will take for him to get better.  I hope he improves for you.
Keep me posted on him.
