Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Is my plated lizard sick?

Is my plated lizard sick?

22 13:25:03

 We just bought a yellow plated lizard from someone who had it for around 3 weeks.  The lizard seems to sneeze, keeps its eyes closed unless picked up,and is not very active.  She is also shedding her skin.  We have her in a tank with a red UV lamp on one end.  We have given her mealworms and some fruit- she seems to be eating. Is the lizard sick or is this normal behavior?  What are the signs we need to look for to know whether we should take her to the vet?  Thanks for your help!

ANSWER: Seems to be eating or is eating...  Sneezing is not good.  What's the temp in the cage?  Does the lamp provide UVB or just UV?  Let me know.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The temp on one side is around 75 and the other side was 81.  We gave her mealworms and bannanas, she only ate the bannanas.  We have a Infrared heat lamp 100W.  I am not sure if that provides UV or UVB.  We have only had her for a day, so I am not sure what light they gave her before us.

OK, your cage is not hot enough.  Those lizards come from Sudan so you need a basking spot in the 90's.  Infrared heat lamp provides heat not UVB.  He'll need both, they sell bulbs that do both or you can get two separate ones.  I am not super familiar with this particular species so please do some additional research on their care.  I still don't like the sneezing, watch that.