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Mountian horned dragon

22 11:49:48

is there any other type of bedding i can use other then cypress mulch or coconut husk as bedding? i have a 110 gallon stlt water tank that was use for a boa. i cleaned it all out i have a fogger and a water falls in with live plants and there is more water then bedding.and then the male hasn't come down from the tree yet.i have tried to keep the temp and humidity at the levels they need to be at but it seem like the fogger puts more water in then need to be. i was wondering what would be something ele i could use.

Hi Kristina,
You probably don't need to use the fogger.  having the mulch or husk is good for keeping humidity and it is what is recommended for the MHD's as they do like to dig which makes it easy when they do dig.   Misting daily, a long with the waterfall and the substrate should keep the humidity at the level needed. You seem to have all you need in the habitat... do try turning off the fogger and see if that helps your problem.  
They tend to stay in trees and need to have that jungle like cover.  If he is new to his home, he may stay up high until he gets more comfortable with his new home. One of the sites I like for MHD info is at:
You really sound like you are doing great with your new pet.  Again, try turning off the fogger and see if that helps.