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gecko tails

22 14:18:55

I just bought my 8yr old a leopard gecko and we think he forgot to shut his door all the way and the cats got in and his tail is off. im concerned that the fat part of the tail is gone. Is that going to grow back or do we go to a vet. Im hoping for the best and if you can give any tips to help out I would be eternally greatful.

Dear Marc,
thank you for your question.
The tail will grow back, although it will look different from the original tail and won't be as big. Keep an eye on the wound to make sure that it won't get infected. If the cat really bit him, I would see a vet because cat bites often become infected. If the tail just dropped, the gecko should be fine, the wound usually heals fast and without problems.
These websites list herp vets:

I hope I was of some help to you