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Bearded Dragon help.....

22 11:53:45

I noticed last week that my baby bearded dragon was walking a little funny. I've had it over 3 months now and have had no problems with it. when i inspected the foot he was having problems with... it seemed like it had been completely crushed and its hard as well. I was wondering, that with such a small bearded dragon, if his foot is crushed.. is the vet able to do anything at all to fix it?

Hi Cassie,
Do you house your beardie with another dragon?  If so, they need to be separated as the one may have bitten the other one and caused the injury.  If not housed together, believe it or not, he may have bitten his own foot.  Something may have fallen on his foot, or he may have gotten it stuck between something.  Its important to find the cause and fix it.
If the foot is indeed crushed, then a vet can amputate the foot.  Beardies recover well and adapt quickly to 3 legs. Many times if such an injury is left and not treated, it will lead to gangrene.  When this happens, more of the leg can be infected and healing and amputation is a bit more complicated.
If it is indeed crushed, with such tiny bones, the vet will most likely not be able to save the foot.