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my emrald swift wont eat!

22 14:42:48

Hi. my daughter has been keeping an emerald swift with a green tree frog, green anole, and a toad. we have had him for about 4 months. He had a big apatite but now all he does is sit on a log and close his eyes. he is not active at all. we used to chase him around to catch him but now he just sits there doing nothing. please tell me what i should do.

Hi Ann, what you need to do is separate each of those animals into their own enclosures. You can not house those four together and expect them to be happy. They have different requirements for example the frog the toad and the anole need humid environments around 75% and the Emerald Swift needs it lower around 50% The temperatures need to be around 75 for most but the Emerald needs it more in the 80s.
Reptiles live on their own in the wild and can be territorial. Emerald Swifts need at least 20 gallons to themselves with temperatures in the 80s and humidity about 50% with UV lighting and plenty of stuff to climb on.

Green Anoles are very territorial and one needs at least 10 gallons of their OWN space. Without having to share. Temperatures in the upper 70s to lower 80s and humidity around 75%. Humidity is really important to reptiles. They also need UV lighting and plenty of climbing space.

Green Tree frogs need at least a ten gallon all to himself. They do not like to share their space. Teperatures need to be about 75F and humidity around 65%

Toads need a good 10 gallons by themselves to be happy and humidity about 50% temperatures at about 75F

Now unless in that one tank of yours each animal has its own space humidity and temperature requirements and enough UV lighting and everything I dont think they are very happy. At least move the Emerald to his own enclosure. He needs more room and to be alone. The Green anole can be threatening to him which can lead to him being afraid to eat. Which does happen. The emerald feels that the green anole is dominant and if he takes the anoles food then the anole will be a tad bit mad. House them separately. IF you can not house them separately at this very second then at least feed them separately. Get some big rubbermaid tubs haev air holes in the lids and sides then toss the crickets/food in and then one lizard at a time. After one is done feed the other. Same with the frogs. Good luck and I hope this helps