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22 14:36:21

Hi, I am thinking of getting a tree frog, and i wanted to know if you can handle them, if they are nice, and what can i feed them?

Hi Carlos, As a general rule amphibian pets should be handled as little as possible because their skin is much more delicate then reptile skin. If you want a tree frog that is able to tolerate some handling then I would suggest a White's tree frog also called a Dumpy tree frog. Their skin is less delicate then most others and they tend to have a very calm personality. They are very sweet natured and don't attempt to jump away very often. They are insect eaters so crickets would be the main part of their diet. Even with a White's you should wash your hands to remove the natural salt and oils from your skin before you handle them. I've included a couple links about White's tree frogs for you to look over.