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My Leapard Geckos eye...

22 13:59:33

I have a leopard gecko i think its a female im almost positive she is 4 years old recently ive noticed one of her eyes has gone redish brown color from being grey she keeps it closed most of the time and i fear she may be blind in it other then that she is healthy and has a strong good appetite she is fed every other day and it is dusted with calcium powder she also has a small container of the powder in her cage all the time she is very active and still hunts despite the eye problem she is housed in a 20 gallon tank with a heat lamp a humidifier and a under the tank heater i was just wondering what the change in eye color could mean and if it will cause her death? We do not have a reptile vet where we live to my knowledge but i will check into it

Hello Megs,

Can you post a picture of that eye for me?  It sounds like it is infected.  I can recommend some treatment such as Terramycin eye ointment.  You can get it from here:

You could also flush out the eye daily, with sterile saline solution as well.  
The tank setup sounds fine.  What are the temps on the hot side?
What type of substrate is she on?  
Good that she is eating pretty well too.  
