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Acrylic Tanks

22 14:30:58

My question is just a general one and I don't know if you can answer it or not. I am looking at buying an acrylic fish tank for my lizard but was told by someone that you can't but the dome lights over the opens because they would get to hot for the acrylic. Do you know if heat bulbs would damage an acrylic tank.

Hi Tina, Acrylic is often used in reptile tanks, especially large snake enclosures, and I have never heard of any problems or warnings regarding heat sources. I think it is Big Apple reptile supply that markets acrylic cages now as well. As far as I have heard the drawbacks are the expense and the fact that acrylic scratches more easily then glass. It is also supposed to be a better insulator then glass so you may be able to use a slightly lower wattage lamp.