Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my veiled chameleon sticking her tongue out constantly

my veiled chameleon sticking her tongue out constantly

22 14:22:02

she has her tongue out while shes sleeping or just hanging out??? what does this mean!!!
please help!

Hi Kerri, Tongue problems are quite common with veileds. It could be due to an infection or injury, calcium problems can also cause this. There is a delicate boney structure that allows the tongue to shoot out and retract. This can be injured if the chameleon tends to hit hard surfaces like glass with their tongue or the bone can become deformed due to calcium deficiency. The tongue can also become infected and swollen. In those cases the result can be the inability to retract the tongue fully. Chameleons can survive without being able to "shoot" their tongue but if it continually hangs out that will cause problems with feeding, chewing and hydration.The tongue itself will also become dried out and the tissue may die which can lead to a serious infeciton. I would try to keep the tongue moistened and see if you can temporarily help it back into her mouth but I think having a vet take a look at her is your best option.