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Cripple baby bearded dragon

22 14:22:02


So I have bearded dragons who all seem pretty healthy. I am mostly concerned about my smallest bearded dragon who lost one of her hands and most of his fingers (from all limbs) when I took her in. I felt really bad since I knew that no one would buy her, so I took her in. When I brought her home with the other dragons I have, she refused to eat for a very long time and refused to move because she was in a lot of pain due to her condition. she didn't gain any weight and her skin looked very pale and malnourished. I put neorsporn on her wounds everyday and they've healed up very well. She wouldn't eat in front of the other dragons, so i would take her somewhere else to feed her. I fed her king worms, meal worms and various veggies. after a couple of months, she finally wants to eat in front of the dragons and she is a lot happier. she moves around a lot now and is gaining more weight and more confidence, which im pleased about. I want to know anything i should be worried about in the future for my baby bearded dragon?? since she is kinda crippled and was malnourished at a young age, how big do you think she will be??

Hello Nicki,

Do you have her housed alone?  That would be the best so she does not get picked on.  
She most likely wont get as large as she should but should still get good sized if you are providing good quality of UVB light & calcium supplementation.  
Can she walk pretty well now?
She must have gotten mutilated from tank mates in the store, right?  That is terrible.  
Since she was so malnourised, the main thing I would be concerned with would be metabolic bone disease so make sure she is getting adequate calcium supplementation along with UVB lighting to ensure she is absorbing her calcium.  
That is great you have helped her out so much, & are giving her a good life.
