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Bearded Dragon That no Longer Likes Being Handled?

22 14:09:42

Hi, I have a bearded dragon that is around 9 months old now. When we first got him, he used to be so calm and would love being handled and would even sit in my hand while I watched Friends!!!! I let my mum hold him once though- and he suddenly darted so she grabbed him, I am not sure if she grabbed him too hard though because since then he has hated being handled. He keeps running across the tank whenever I go to pick him up, and he has even started puffing up and turning his beard black when I put his food bowl in. Is he just going through the moody teenager stage, or did my mum make him lose confidence with being handled?

Thankyou for any help or advice!!

I would say he's still going through puberty, mostly.  Don't put up with his bluff and get him out at least once a day.  I would get a Four Paws lizard leash and start taking him out when it's over 70 F outside.  Beardies are curious and are attracted to movement, if every day he gets to see and do things out of his enclosure, even just to watch TV with you, the more comfortable he'll get.