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Male Flap Neck Cameleon is digging

22 14:34:33

Hi, we have a male(known by the yellow coloration under it's neck)flap neck cameleon and recently we decided to put some dirt in its tank (about 2 to 3 cm) deep. But now he has dug a hole in the dirt underneath a log and sits there most of the day, he does drink and eat so I am not worried about him being sick. But I thought it was only the females that dig? Should I be worried?  

Hello Kayleigh, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Digging is normal especially if the temperatures are too cold they will try to bundle up. How big is his enclosure? I would think he needs more space if he is looking for security on the ground? It might also be too warm up near the basking light and so he prefers it near the bottom of the enclsoure.