Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > boa


22 15:00:27

My red tailed boa is now eatting hoppers and i was wondering if it is ok to feed him in his cage? someone told me it is not a good idea because then he'll think everything i put in his cage is food and might strike at my hand! is that true?

Hey Trace,
yes you can feed n your tank, i actually prefer this as it is not always wise to pick em up after eating,just make sure that you wash your hands before going into the tank so the snake doesnt pick up the smell of the mice, i have been tank feeding for over twenty years and the only biters were my anaconda and reticulated pythons agressive snakes to start can always start or try feeding frozen or dead food to help keep temperment good,

                      thanks for the question
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