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Snakes vital signs

22 15:09:58

Hello Edmund, its me again. I need you help again if thats ok. Your help and information so far has been fantastic. I need to know a snakes -
Average life span
Pulse Rate
Respiration Rate
It can be for any breed of snake.
I have tried searching in books and on the inter net but have so far be left stumped.
I hope you can help me again.
Faithfully yours Charlotte x

Hi there Charlotte,
Snakes, on the average and under ideal conditions will all have an average lifespan of 25 years. They are ectothermal [cold blooded] so the animals temperature is just what the surrounding temperature of their environment is. The pulse rate and respiration rate are controlled by both internal and external influences. This is also true of the metabolism as well. These rates can slow to a point that is almost unmeasurable, to a rate about half that of humans. The temperature is a large contributor to the rate of these functions. Anacondas can stay submerged for half an hour without ant respiration taking place. A snake that is freezing temperature will have virtually no heart rate. This is all to conserve energy. They do not go out of their way to do anything that is unnecessary. Hope this helps some. Edmund Brown [ReptileEd]