Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > small boo-boo/open sore

small boo-boo/open sore

22 13:56:23

QUESTION: My son has a 6 year old female, Chrissie. She gets substrate on her mouth a lot and looks dirty.
After I bathed her tonight I noticed it turned into a little open sore. Is it OK to do a mild hydrogine peroxide treatment w/ antibiotic ointment by the mouth. She's always so healthy. The difference is that this fall I started feeding her canned crickets.

ANSWER: Never use peroxide on open tissues, it is a defatting agent more than a cleaner.  She needs to be seen by a vet for possible mouth rot.  A non-alcohol mouthwash will do fine for cleaning.  The vet will have a proper treatment.  A six-year old dragon, if bought from a pet shop should be treated like a little lady getting on past middle age,  She should have semi-annual check-ups at this point.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK, I will. Thanks, I thought mouth rot was inside the mouth. I got her from a breeder, not pet store. Maybe  I should change her substrate to bark to keep sand out of her mouth, even though she really hasn't liked to switch substrates in the past.  

Frankly, I use one half marine indoor/outdoor carpet under the cave and food bowls, and the rest I use non-adhesive shelf liner.  The carpet can be thrown in the washer/dryer and the shelf liner is even easier to clean and re-use.  I can place a plastic tray of sand for digging, or water for a nice soak.