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california king snake and human bond

22 14:23:21

I'm a pround new mommy of a california king snake. she is a little over three years old and has been living with a co worker of mine. my co worker just recently got a dog and couldn't really take the snake out so she decided to give it to me. I'm very respectful of Raja. I want to give her her space, but I do try to take her out everyday so she can stretch and crawl around. I wanted to know if she will form a bond with me? is it okay to throw her around my neck and go for a walk outside or a bike ride? is it necessary that i feed her in a different cage than which she lives? how often can i play with her? I'm so obsessed and want to spend every minute i can with her, but i've read that too much handling will stress her out. so how much is too much? she seems to really like it when i take her out of her cage and she seems very calm when with me, i just don't want to over do it or make her feel uncomfortable. thanks for your time. any advice or special helpful tips would be greatly appreciated. I just want my snake to be happy. also, how large should her cage be? i want to get a her a bigger one than she has now. she's 4ft long and chillen in a 10-15gal.

Wow, thats a lot of questions...  Do NOT ride a bike with a snake!!!  Too much chance of a bad accident.  I'd recommend a 20 gallon long cage.  Handling of up to an hour a day if the snake is not stressed (excited/trying to get away/etc.) should be okay.  Feeding in a separate cage is a good idea.  Good Luck!