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Leopard Gecko, Female

22 14:14:04

I know Iguanas can become egg bound and/or lay unfertilized eggs.  Can the same happen with Leopard Geckos?  My almost three year old Leopard Gecko, Naseem, well, looks pregnant.  The substrate I use and have always used is paper towels, she eats just fine, I have two other geckos but they are each kept in separate 10 gallon aquariums.  Naseem has been my pet since she was a tiny baby and has never been with a male.  I am worried please answer soon.

Hi Laurel,
Yep, leos can lay eggs without being with a male, although it doesn't happen as much as with iguanas or bearded dragons.  Leos can also become egg bound. If she is eating fine and all is ok... just provide an area for her to dig in to lay her eggs. You can see the eggs in a leo very easy. Look at her belly will see the eggs. Here is a link that shows pictures of a gravid(with eggs) leo so you can compare to your leo.
Is she acting like she is straining to go to the bathroom? If yes, you can try a warm soak in shallow deeper than her elbows when she is laying flat.  
Leos will generally go off food 24-48 hours before laying eggs.
If you see that she is frantically digging and straining, then its important to get her to a vet.  To find one that can treat reptiles: