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Allergies to Leopard Geckos?

22 14:18:17

Hello and thank you so much for sharing your knowledge w/ this board.
My son recently got a gecko from a friend as a b-day present. I've notice that since the gecko came in (w/ appropriate caging, everything is clean, etc,etc) I've had very itchy and watery eyes, fits of sneeze and it seems to get much worse when I'm in the family room, place where the gecko's "house" is. I've been taking loratidine pretty much everyday since the gecko arrived and the only change in our lives and routine has really been the gecko. Is it possible that I'm allergic to the creature?
Thanks again for your response,

Hello Tom,

Wow that would be sad if you were allergic to a leopard gecko.  Though I have never heard of that before, but anything is possible.
Run over everything that you have in the tank with him, including the substrate & maybe we can figure out what the problem could be hopefully.
