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yellow bearded slider

22 14:18:17

I'm not sure if i sent my message correctly before as i don't seem to have heard anything (probably my fault)

Anyway, i was wondering how often i should be feeding my yellow bellied slider - i have two that are babies (smaller than palm size) and i feed them a turtle block each a day (contains blood worms and white stuff I'm presuming fish!) do they stop eating when they are full or should i limit food?

Also, i am struggling for them to bother with cuttle fish bone, what else can i give them to ensure their calcium intake?

Thanks so much for your help in advance and a merry xmas!!

I got your question and responded, you must have incorrectly entered your email if you didn't get the reply.



Hello Toni, I apologize for such a late response, I have been stuck at a hotel in the snow the last couple of days, and just got access to a computer.

Babies do eat more protein then adults and it is fine for them to avoid their fruits and veggies. But you should still offer them, perhaps at the same time you are offering the protein food so they understand that it's food.

They should be fed once a day and as much as they will eat in a 10-15 minute period. Any food left after the 10-15 minute period needs to be removed (even if they are still trying to eat) Babies however (under 4 inches) can be fed twice a day but their second feeding shouldn't be longer then 5 minutes.

Usually if the turtle needs the calcium they will look for it and use the "cuttle bone" and so when they don't use it it can sometimes mean that they have the calcium they need (from other foods they eat) and thus don't need the excess.

You can also try some prey items that are high in calcium such as Phoenix worms.

Good luck,