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Insects poisonous to Bearded Dragons

22 11:53:06

Hi Tracie,
I've read that fireflies and box elder bugs are poisonous to beardies. We have an insect in our area which I would worry about and am hoping you could help. It's name is an Alder Beech Beetle and it is lime green inside and reeks horribly with a very acidic smell when killed. While we would never feed outside bugs, I worry that one might get into the habitat by accident as they are in our house from time to time. I would rather know before we adopt a beardie than risk them being in danger. Can you give us any info? Thanks so much...Sara

Hello Sarah,

I don't think that the Alder Beech Beetles are toxic to them, however, I definitely wouldn't allow them to eat them.
The fireflys & elderbugs are both toxic to them.  
It is always a concern of s bug getting in & them eating one.  It is a hard call.  There is always something to worry about, but being careful & having a secure tank should cut down on the incidents of possibly happening.
There are always things to worry about & protect them from,  you would just need to be on the lookout.
