Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Heart Rate of a Bearded Dragon

Heart Rate of a Bearded Dragon

22 11:53:46

Hi Tracie,

Can you tell me how to find the heart beat of a a bearded dragon.  We have 2 as pets and my son is doing his science project and he needs to find the heart rate for each one of them since they are different sizes but we can't seem to be able to hear them and was wondering if we are even looking in the right place!  

Thank you so much for any help you can provide,

Jen Fuller

Hello Jen,

The heart is located on the upper chest, basically right in the middle of the chest.  It is located roughly around the same axis as the arm pits just slightly lower.
You are using a stethoscope, right?  
Try in that area to see if you can locate his heart!  Let me know if you can find it!  The heart rate is normally 85-100 I believe.  
Good luck on your son's science project!
