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my sons beardie

22 14:09:07

My son has had his beardie (mojo) for about 7 years now and within the week he has not been eating very well and now he is not moving his back legs. I put him in some water and he fell asleep. He is not very lively at all. When we put crickets in front of him he scoots and does not use his back legs at all. What could this possibly be and how do we treat this and how long do they usually live is this due to age.

Mojo is officially an old man, if you got him from a pet store, where they don't get the best start in life, they live for 6 to ten years, and a dragon raised by ethical breeders from good stock may live to 15 years.  He needs to see his vet.  Geriatric animals, like people need special attention, and he may require changes in habitat and diet.  If he has arthritis pain, give him silkworms instead of crickets, as that may be the problem with the legs and silks have a natural analgesic enzyme in them that may help...the vet will be able to tell.