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Leopard Gecko Tail Come Off

22 14:43:44

my little sister dropped one of the cave on on my geckos tail and my leopard geckos tail has come off.. is that normal ? and should i take the tail out of the vivarium ?
please reply asap

ANSWER:   A leopard gecko can drop his tail.  They can grow back, not as nice as his original tail, but usable.  However, your gecko can have other injuries and should see a good reptile vet.  Remove the tail from the cage.  A wash of dilute betadine to the stump can help, but please gat him to a vet as soon as possible.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what is bedadine ??
and i really cant afford to take her to the vets. she looks like shes in a bit of shock at the moment.
reply back please

Betadine is an antiseptic wash that contains some iodine.  But for reptile use it must be dilute by at least half.  
I'm really serious about vet care.  It's important that any animal in captivity have proper medical care.  Perhaps the vet will take small payments for this visit.  Wouldn't hurt to ask.  Then set up a vet fund for him. put money away to have when he needs a check-up.  Your vet may help with that too, like making pre-payments.