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how do I tell

22 14:17:10

I have a boy and girl toghther in one tank and the female is not eating and I am worried about her.My mom and I have no idea of what we need to look at to see if she is sick or if something more serious is going on with her like she could be question is how do I tell if anything is wrong with her please help me before it is to late.

Hello Belinda,

How old are your dragons?  You will need to eventually separate your dragons otherwise, they will breed way too early if they have not already.
Also if they are related, they will be inbreeding.  
Can you post a picture of your female for me?  
Could you tell me a little bit about your setup as well, such as your lighting, temps, etc?
How do her stools look, are they runny or firm?  Are they overly smelly?
What type & brand of UVB are you using, & is it a coil or compact light?  What type of basking light do you use a bright white one or a colored light?  
Do you use calcium supplementation?  What type of foods do you feed?
What type of thermometer do you use?  Do you use a round stick on thermometer, a digital probe or a temp gun?  
If they are old enough, yes, she could be gravid.  I need the questions answered & we can move on to more specifics as there are things that need to be done if she is gravid.
Can you separate them though?
