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Digital Hygrometer / Thermometer

22 13:35:19

Hi Thea,
I'm thinking about getting a digital hygrometer to use for my various Reptiles. I noticed that my dial hygrometer wasn't moving much the other day so I put a spare in the vivarium and the readings were very different. What's your opinion on the digital types, are they accurate and is there a particular make that will work better?
Also thanks for your advice last month concerning my Day Gecko, the chicken based baby food has really got her moving again, she's started eating waxworms and the other day I saw that she was eating a cricket so we are on the road to recovery.

Hi Jim,

I always tend to believe that anything digital is always going to be more accurate. I'm afraid that I'm not going to be much help with recommending brands however. I have only used one type which is a brand called Noma (not sure if you have that in the U.K) but I have not had any problems or doubts about its accuracy. It also has a thermometer. It is actually from a hardware store which would be the one piece of advice that I can give you about hygrometers. Don't feel that you have to get it from a pet store. You will pay a premium price for that picture of a reptile on the packaging! Since the use of a hygrometer is not something particular to reptile keeping you will likely find a better choice of brands, styles and lower prices in a hardware store. I believe the quality is often better as well. I tend to buy most of my supplies at hardware or garden stores unless its function is specific to reptile keeping (such as providing ultraviolet wavelengths). Light fixtures, heat bulbs and temperature guns are all cheaper that way. Moss, cypress mulch and those compressed bricks of coconut mulch are available at garden stores for much less. I have a a friend who regularly buys her waxworms from a fish bait store at a fraction of the price that her pet store charges!