Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Leopard Gecko Bump On Knee?

Leopard Gecko Bump On Knee?

22 14:03:58

QUESTION: Hi there...we just brought home a juvenille Leo from Petco today...when my
son took him out of the box, and put him into his new home...I noticed a
"bump" on his this normal?  Is there something wrong with him?  I
have attatched a picture of Einstiens leg...any help would be great...thank
you.  Also, my son had said we should get terarrium carpet, but the manager
said that was not good, and to get the vita son said he read that
wasn't good for them, but the manager insisted that this sand was great, and
wouldn't hurt the gecko if this true, or should we be dumping
this sand, and getting the carpet...

ANSWER: Hello Christie,

No a bump on the knee is not normal.  I hope that he has not been injured.  Is there any other swelling in that area or an other area of the body?  Gout is a possibility as well.
Your son is correct, carpet would be a much better choice.  The calcium based sand that petstores try to push on new owners will impact your gecko & most times it is fatal.  
Please get rid of the sand.  They like to lick the sand too which is usually what starts the impaction off.  If he gets a mouthful when trying to eat that will add to the problem.  It is NOT digestible.  It turns to rock hard cement which he will not be able to pass.  I have pictures of impactions, & they are not pretty.  
I would use non adhesive shelf liner, carpet or felt.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Tracie...I think we will take him back to the petstore we have
only had him for about 4 hours...I wish we would have seen the swelling at the
store...and we will be buying the carpet as well...there isn't any other swelling,
and he/she seems active enough...I'm frustrated with the staff at the pet stores,
we get such conflicting info...

ANSWER: Hello Christie,

Oh you are going to take him back?  Are you sure?  Maybe you should keep him, it is hard to find compassionate owners.
I get frustrated with petstores, too!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Einsteins leg
Einsteins leg  
QUESTION: I never thought I would like a lizard, this was for my son who is 12...we don't
have alot of funds if he is going to require vet attention (this quickly) and there
aren't any vets here in town that specialize in can I verify if it is a
water blister...cause she/he is really a sweetie...(thanks for taking so much time
for us...we appreciate it.)

Hello Christie,

Oh, that looks like a burn!  He must have gotten burned in the tank at the petstore.  It should heal up.  You can get some thermazene (silver oxide) type of cream or I have noticed some silver creams at the drug store now which are very good for burns.  
Aloe vera would work well too.  It should heal up but with reptiles, they do tend to take a little longer to heal than mammals do.
It is not gout as it doesn't have the appearance of internal swelling.  It simply looks like a burn that blistered up.  That is easily fixable, no problem.  :-))
