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Beardie not eating after laying

22 14:48:07


We have a two year old female (Morgan) that just layed her first clutch! It's been exciting. Any ways, now that she has layed she is not eating. She is still very active, runs all around the house, she drinks a lot of water - so I added calcium dust to the water in hopes that she would get some calcium. And I noticed, that she may have eaten some veggies the other day. However, she is not eating like she used to. What do you think is wrong? Plus, she is still digging like crazy!! She layed 24 eggs almost a week ago - but she just started digging again about a day or so ago. Is it possible that she is still pregnant? Or is she just being silly? Thanks! :)

ANSWER:   Morgan may not have laid all her eggs, I would suggest you put her back in the laybox to see if she wants to lay, if she doesn't, you may have to take her to the vet to get x-rayed. Being egg bound is not good, so good reptile vet care may be needed.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thanks for that. I actually put her back into her big pile of dirt and she dug for about a minute then climbed out. I have been also feeling around in her belly for eggs, and could not feel any. However, I will bath her and put her back into the dirt, etc and see. If nothing, I'll take her in. I REALLY hope shes not egg bound.

Thanks Pam.

 A bath is always a good idea.  Baths help rehydrate from the arduous task of laying.  She may even start nibbling after a good drink.  A vet check may still be a good idea though, I have girls who could be filled with eggs and I can't tell by palpating, only by their actions, like digging in their sandboxes like they want to dig to China.