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Whites tree frog, my first one

22 14:40:21

I am going to get my first whites tree frog and I have a general list of supplies that I need. I can't find any website or anyone, for that matter, who can give me an exact (or close) list of what I will need. I hope you can give me a general list of what I need so I can properly take care of my whites tree frog. Thank you so much in advance, Ashley.

Dear Ashley,
thank you for your question.
You are going to need a tank that is higher than wide, as big as possible. I would recommend an enclosure 20x20x40 inches long, wide and high at least. The frogs need stuff to climb on, so you wil need some sturdy branches (hardwood) and plants for them to hide in, like pothos ivy, monstera, philodendron ect.
As substrate, I recommend coconut fibre bedding (Forest Bedding/Eco Earth), it's digestible, keeps the humidity up and plants grow very well in it. You can cover the subsrate with moss. The frogs will also need a big water bowl.
For heating, I recommend using a normal incadescent bulb, about 40 or 60 watt. The frogs enjoy sunbathing under it, you just need to cover the bulb with wire netting so that they won't sit on it and burn themselves. At night, room temperature is enough.
A spray bottle is useful because you wil need to mist the tank daily. You will also need a good calcium/vitamin supplement for dusting their prey at every other feeding to make sure they get enough calcium in their diet.
This website has more information on keeping White's Tree Frohs and general information on frog care:

I hope I was of some help to you