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Very worried about red stool from beardie

22 13:52:44


About a month ago, my husband and I rescued an adult bearded dragon from a family who had to get rid of him because they couldn't afford the upkeep. Aside from some "battle damage" he received in what we were told were physical altercations with his brother, which resulted in about 2 inches of tail missing, and several missing toes, he's a fat, happy, lazy bearded dragon. For a while, he's refused to eat anything but crickets, with the exception of a few meal worms here and there, but no veggies. These past few days he's been extremely lethargic, constantly hiding under his basking branches and not moving for hours on end. This afternoon, we fed him a medium sized cricket, and a few hours later he produced a stool that looked disturbingly like a large blood clot.
He has a Repti-Sun 10.0 for day, and a porcelain heating lamp to keep the temperature comfortable at night, and he'd seemingly never had any problems digesting.

I have attached a picture of the stool in question.

 Passing red blood stool indicates some bleeding at the end of the digestive tract or the cloaca itself.  Get him to a good reptile veterinarian for a definitive diagnosis and treatment.  This could be anything from a extreme gut parasite problem to lesions that may need a biopsy.