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bearded dragon wont lay her eggs

22 13:52:44

i have a 4 yr old female bearded dragon ,she has been pregnant for about 3 mths. for the past 7 weeks she has been huge you can clearly see her eggs. she laid 4 eggs about 3 weeks ago in the back of my car and then stopped she hasn't been able to drop anymore, she looks miserable and its been so long i'm afraid she will die if she dont lay them. i have tried dirt ,soil, pedialite (white moist looking dirt) warm baths, quiet space , heaters , i don't know what to do for her. this will be her 5th time in the past 3i/2 yrs and i have never had any problems before. she was however interrupted while dropping the 4 in my car. my mother in law picked her up and moved her during the time she was dropping them. those 4 eggs died. she is eating okay and she moves around. she scratches at the wall and when she is in the dirt she will dig but nothing else . she seems like she cant get them out and they look huge from the outside of her sides (belly) you can clearly see the eggs there is at least 10 if not more still inside her and they are 3/4 of an inch in size from what i can tell..please help me ,her name is SPARKLES and she is a very important part of our family we love her so much she has such personality if she was to die my daughters would be so crushed. the male PRINCE is in the same room as her but i cant put them together cuz he wants to fight with her, which is extremely rare because the two have been together happily since day one 4 years ago when we got them ..they are not siblings they are husband and wife ..can you please tell me what i can do for her ..i'm a single mother of three young kids and struggling so i cant really afford a vet. please oh please get back at me A.S.A.P.   thank you Regina and the girls yvonne regina %26 stevielynn ;)

 She is eggbound!  The only thing you can do at this point is get her to a good reptile vet.  This is a true emergency so insist on an immediate appointment!  Try and make some kind of arrangement with the vet or perhaps a reptile rescue (so many hours of service) in order to get her seen!  And after, she will need her own place, poor girl, if she survives, should not be trapped with a randy male anymore.