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different types of bearded dragons

22 14:35:33

can i have different types of bearded dragons in one cage eg a German giant and a Pogona barbata

Although they are very similiar species I do not suggest housing them together. To begin with they are solitary animals and do not need or want company. I don't even suggest housing them with one of their own species. They prefer to live alone and in that I say no you should not house them together. They are territorial animals although some can be docile they can become very agressive towards eachother knowing they are different species. Different species also have different scents and to smell another species of animal in their territory can make them become very agressive. No matter what species they are the German Giant, Eastern, Central, whatever it be, dont house them together. They do know they are different and can do whatever it takes to get them out of their territory.

Good luck, and sorry this probably isn't what you wanted to hear but its for the best.