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Dwarf Aquatic Frogs

22 14:48:12

1.  I have all the supplies for the underwater dwarf frogs, but my question is I don't want them to get calcium difficency or metabolic bone disease, what should I do to prevent this should I buy a uv light and place it on top of my tank or are their types of foods that prevents that from happening.  I bought this stuff called Jurassi Diet Newt and Aquatic Frog Food made by Jurrassipet it says it has D-Activated Animal-Sterol (D3)  is this enough calcium for them or is their something else to buy?

2.  Do I need lights for them or do they like it dark?  

Hello congrats on getting dwarf frogs these are pretty neat little guys I have four in my guppy tank and they have gotten along for a year now without problems. I don't think they can get MBD frogs are by nature Nocturnal animals and Never see the sun anyways plus these guys are awake later evening and night time just like other frogs as well, My guppy/frog tank doesnt hae a light on it. The pelleted foods I'll pre warn you the dwarf frogs don't really like. I have Never been able to get my frogs or any i've had in the past to eat canned pellets. I think teh best diet for these are frozen bugs like you feed fish this is what mine eat adn are very filled out/active and healthy. I feed Frozen blood worms and frozen brine shrimp rotated every now and then...I feed about two cubes per my four frogs every two days and again they are Fat frogs and very healthy...I clean shed skin out of the tank quite often.